
pip install ppextensions

Try ppextensions

%load_ext ppextensions.ppmagics

Try help to see all the available magics

Magic Usage Explanation
hive %hive? Connects to hive engine. Hive magic also gives options to insert csv/dataframe to teradata and publishing data to tableau.
teradata %teradata? Connects to teradata engine. Teradata magic also gives has to insert csv/dataframe to teradata and publishing data to tableau.
presto %presto? Connects to presto engine. Presto magic also has options to publishing data to tableau.
Spark Thrift Server %sts? Connects to Spark Thrift Server. Sts magic also has options to publishing data to tableau.
CSV %csv? Runs sqls on top of csv files. CSV magic also has options to publishing data to tableau.
run %run? Runs a notebook from another notebook. Allows for running parameterized notebooks.
run_pipeline %run_pipeline? Run notebooks sequentially in a stateful Pipeline.

For more info: Github Link